Dr. Graciela Diap is an experienced physician, specializing in internal medicine and licensed in medicine and surgery. Having spent a number of years practicing as a physician in hospitals and universities, Dr. Diap joined MSF in 1991 and has been with the organization since then. She first joined MSF as a Field Medical Officer serving in Mozambique, Yemen, Afghanistan, and former Yugoslavia. She later moved into the position of Desk Manager overseeing a multitude of country projects, Medical Director with the Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, Malaria Medical Coordinator with Drugs for Neglected Disease initiative (DNDi), and Board Member with MSF Spain. Dr. Diap is also a co-author of multiple medical journal articles. Currently, she is an Access Advisor and research and development team member focusing on the Hepatitis C virus with DNDi, among her other roles outside of MSF within the humanitarian sector.