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Focus Areas

Proposals will be solicited in specific focus areas:

  1. HUMAN RESOURCES, LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (HLD) Develop and retain staff through game-changing learning and development initiatives
  2. MEDICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (MRD) Support medical R&D projects that give priority to the needs of the populations MSF assists
  3. OPERATIONS IMPROVEMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY (OIT) Strengthen MSF operational capacity; adopt state-of-the-art practices, tools and technology to improve field work
  4. EFFICIENCY GAINS (EFG) Implement cost reduction initiatives to minimize duplication and free up funds and people to focus on social mission

The TIC will consider proposals outside these areas where a strong rationale/business case is presented

Types of Projects


Incubator projects include investments under €250,000. These projects may start small but have the potential to scale to major transformational projects.


Large-scale project include investments greater than €250,000 but less than €2.5M.


Very-Large-Scale projects include investments of €2.5M or more.

Project Dashboard

The TIC Project Dashboard will provide information on proposals reviewed by the Secretariat and Selection Committee – including a breakdown of projects by focus areas, category (incubator or large-scale), and total number of accepted projects. Once available, information on approved projects and completed projects, including project status and outcomes, will be shared.

83 Incubator

12 Large-scale

12 Very-Large-scale 

21 Human Resources Learning and Development

24 Medical Research and Development

26 Operational Improvements and Technology

17 Efficiency Gains

19 Other

107 Total # of TIC Funded Projects

* Information will be updated on a periodic basis, following Selection Committee and ExCom meetings.

See the section Projects on the Go (below) for a list of projects that have been accepted for TIC funding.

Concept Notes, Business Cases, status reports, and videos for submitted projects are available on our SharePoint site (for those with an MSF e-mail address only).

Projects on the Go


Intersectional Surgical Training Centre
Global shortage in surgical workforce, as well as increased specialization of surgeons in high and middle income countries, has led to MSF surgeons not being familiar with many interventions they must perform in the field. The Intersectional Surgical Training Centre (ISTC) will work to reduce this gap and improve safety of surgical care through a specialized, eight-week on-site training program.

TEMBO: Your personal learning and development environment
TEMBO will create personal learning and development environments with real time access to learning and development. This project will address the gap in qualified staff and experienced managers by transforming the way MSF’s staff work/learn/develop.
People Analytics
Apply statistical modeling, predictive algorithms and future-state simulation to MSF’s HR data to develop an HR pipeline tool which produces metrics that can forecast field worker attrition and retention and aid in workforce planning.
Anti-Racism: Building Awareness and Changing Practices
Addressing structural racism has been identified as a priority for MSF, yet widespread lack of knowledge and understanding of racism limits our ability to hold conversations on racism. This project facilitates a discovery-based anti-racism journey and aims to increase knowledge and understanding of racism at MSF through training, resource-sharing and the creation of a conversation framework.
Empowering Field Staff via Multi-Media Design Lab – Phase II
This project aims to transform medical learning content for frontline staff by empowering subject matter experts and learners to develop content that can be easily understood and implemented in the field while democratizing learning and bringing the experience/expertise of speakers into the hands of field staff when and where they need it. Phase 2 will focus on reaching unrepresented staff, expand educational dialogue into audio podcasts, identify post project host(s) and scale the multimedia prototypes across the movement.
Network for Women in Leadership
Address MSF’s gender gap in leadership (women make up ~30% of MSF’s locally recruited staff) by promoting access to employment and professional development for women. Test actions to promote women employment and their access to leadership positions through organic women initiatives in coordination with field teams, with the support of operational cell, general management, and the associative representation of MSF -France. Focus on 2 countries of intervention: Niger and Mali to maintain a tight, pragmatic scope. Leverage women’s networks to facilitate feedback, articulate barriers and work towards potential solutions.
FETCH: Transforming the Role of Field Epidemiologists
Increase MSF’s field capacity to implement evidence-based decision-making and use high quality, robust scientific data by transforming the role of field epidemiologists trained specifically in the skills and competencies in MSF project contexts. Includes field epidemiologist training fellowship with an in-person 10-day introductory course followed by 4 remotely-conducted specialist modules that the epidemiologist can pursue while working in the field. Leverages use of 1) statistical software program, “R”; 2) surveillance; 3) epidemiological surveys; and 4) outbreak investigation.
LGBTQ+, Inclusion in MSF Health Settings
Reduce barriers to appropriate and dignified healthcare by transforming how LGBTQ+ patients are welcomed and treated in MSF health projects through increased organizational literacy and competencies by developing multiple tools for field use and training modules for medical providers, leveraging best practices and other MSF models.
Designing a task-sharing program to increase surgical capacities in CAR (project summary pending)
Address the profound surgical care gap in Central African Republic (CAR) by designing training for General Practitioners (GPs) in essential surgical skills, that if implemented in the future, could establish a longer term locally driven mentorship program and make surgical services accessible in rural and underserved communities. With a surgeon to population ratio of only 0.36 per 100,000 over 100 times below the International minimum standards and maternal mortality rates at 882 per 100,000 live births, CAR faces a severe shortage in trained surgical personnel, with only 14 qualified surgeons in entire country. The project aims to conduct a series of workshops and need assessment with local stakeholders including the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Université de Bangui to assess and design a training program based on the real needs for GP suitable in local context. The program leverages MSF’s partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC), Essential Surgical Task Sharing Program.


Mobile Laboratory for Outbreaks Control
Disease outbreak detection is often unavailable at the field level, this project will develop a mobile laboratory to investigate outbreak alerts that can be rapidly deployed.
MSFeCARE: a virtual coach to bridge quality of care gaps
This project will design, implement and scale an electronic Decision Support system tool to provide frontline clinicians with guided decision making support to increase the quality of clinical assessment and medical care.
In the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance, this project is developing an open source and offline application, using artificial intelligence and machine learning, to improve clinical care of patients by supporting non-expert laboratory technicians measuring and interpreting Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests (AST) to help doctors prescribe accurate antibiotics to their patients and ultimately support the update of empirical treatment based on real etiology.
This project seeks to address an estimated 100,000 patients worldwide with multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and additional fluoroquinolone (FQ) resistance by identifying an effective, shorter, less toxic and all-oral regimen.  Clinical trials will be conducted to assess if the efficacy of an experimental 6- or 9-month regimen (26 or 39 weeks) is non-inferior to the efficacy of the control regimen at 73 weeks.
Medicine Marketplace (formerly Online Pharmacy)

Conduct a feasibility study to explore options of improving access to quality medicines at affordable prices through an online not-for-profit ecommerce platform that sells medicines to individuals or to health institutions that purchase in bulk. The project is based on a 3 month “opportunity study for an online Individual Drug Supply Information and Delivery System” and aims to confirm its identified hypothesis.
TACTIC (formerly Transforming TB Management for Children)
Address TB as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children by testing and implementing new WHO recommendations within MSF, advocating internationally, and conducting operational research on potential impact in the field. Improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of TB by implementing new algorithms and treatment regimes, in collaboration with WHO – ultimately leading to a reduction in mortality. The recent WHO recommendations present a unique window of opportunity to transform the way that children are diagnosed and treated with TB across MSF projects. If successful, prepare a large-scale business case for scaling.
Palliative Care
Provide MSF medical managers with a user-friendly, simplified tool (algorithm) that enables them to identify patient palliative care needs in their project and determine what type(s) of Palliative Care can be embedded into their project from a programmatic / operational perspective (home-based care, ambulatory, inpatient, mixed, etc.). Create a network of specialists trained to join MSF telemedicine service for Palliative Care clinical questions.
Malaria Vaccine R21
Address the devastating impact of malaria, the single largest pathology treated by MSF, by piloting a new malaria vaccine R21 in the health region of Maradi, Niger before the seasonal peak. Conduct a cluster randomized trial of the vaccine, document the coverage, feasibility, and acceptability of two different implementation strategies, as well as their costs and operational footprints, to better inform eventual decision-making, have a seat at the table to leverage R21 for access, and to influence policy recommendations.
A Pathway to Patient Empowerment by Transforming Diabetes Care in MSF
Address significant gaps in patient access to life-saving treatment for patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) by creating a model of care that supports patient empowerment and autonomy. Provide home-based insulin pens and blood sugar monitoring devices to patients who often need to travel great distances and face dangers in accessing MSF clinics. Develop a comprehensive package with training, patient education tools, monitoring strategies, and improved commodities. The model will be piloted in 2 OCP projects: Carnot (CAR) and Aweil (South Sudan) to assess its feasibility and strengthen patient engagement.
A Partnership Approach to Addressing Methanol Poisoning
Address the global health challenge of Methanol Poisoning, which disproportionately affects vulnerable populations and is often underreported. The Methanol Poisoning initiative (MPi) is a collaboration between MSF and Oslo University Hospital to enhance awareness, diagnosis, and treatment across regions severely impacted by this issue. In 2022, MPi reported 76 global methanol poisoning incidents, leading to at least 1,666 cases and 723 deaths. MPi proposes a multiphase approach with Phase I assessing partnerships in priority countries and Phase II raising awareness, improving access to diagnostic tools, and facilitating access to affordable antidots and treatment.
High Flow​ Nasal Oxygen Therapy for Children
Addresses respiratory distress as one of the most common life-threatening presentations in neonates and children by deploying and testing Humidified High-Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO). Following positive experiences in Yemen, demonstrate that HFNO use in routine is feasible, scalable and could dramatically change care management for children suffering from respiratory distress. Scale up implementation of HFNO in 3 project sites: Sierra Leone for OCB and Afghanistan, Yemen or Bangladesh for OCP combined with operational research in collaboration with Epicentre.

MSF Field Simulation
Deploy and test “field medical simulation based learning solutions” that can be effectively used at field level by trained supervisors with the support of the mission’s HR & Medical Dept’s and Learning Unit.
RESTORE: New Approaches for Addressing Extreme Violence
This project will identify, treat and help populations, communities and individuals suffering the cumulative effects of exposure to extreme violence, even though they continue to be exposed.  Adapt new approaches, exploring a combination of different techniques that put the patient truly at the centre and engage the community within local contexts. Phase II embeds the new approach into MSF, shares across OCs and adds monitoring and evaluation.
Digital Therapeutics
Develop and pilot patient support platforms (applications and services) to (1) improve patient outcomes and quality of care; and (2) provide a draft framework/toolbox for sharing processes, best practices, and guidance across MSF on how to approach and integrate patient support digital health tools for improved efficiency and outcomes. Focus on appropriate care for patients living with chronic and complex conditions, notably Tuberculosis (TB) and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
Telecommunications (Radio) Technology Transfer
Support MSF transitioning from analogue to digital radio technology by preparing field projects with change management, developing tools and training materials. Preparing the changeover enables the organization to forecast and plan the implementation and avoid a gap between the future needs and the market offerings. Implementing digital radio improves the safety and security of field operations among other advantages such as longer range, increased battery life, improved audio quality and interoperability with other communication systems.
Accessibility Model for Field Planning and Response
Improve patient access to MSF’s health facilities by adapting, testing and implementing a World Bank developed interactive geographic accessibility model. The model assesses MSF programs’ coverage and heuristically determines best locations for health activities. Currently, catchment areas and travel distances to health sites are determined by linear distance proximity analyses. The new tool will consider multiple factors to increase access including 3D terrain analysis (mountains, walleyes and other obstacles), natural disasters (floods, collapsed infrastructure etc.) and conflict areas.  
Privacy Field Fundamentals
Safeguard the life, integrity and dignity of the people and communities MSF serves by identifying the privacy fundamentals for implementing data protection in the field and developing support resources including Registers of Processing Activity (ROPA), learning and training materials, field data toolkits. Pilot outputs and project findings will serve as recommendations for the movement to further resource field-based data protection implementation.
3D Printing for All MSF
Prove the viability and usefulness of democratizing the availability of 3D printing capacity in MSF projects by providing 3D printers and the related procedures, protocols and support to any field project that requests it. Focus on 3 field projects to test-and-learn and establish a repository of downloadable and printable medical and none medical products such as prosthetics, humeral braces and adaptors. Includes designing a service to model new custom-made objects on request and explores the possibility of defining workflows for rapid local manufacturing in response to emergencies.
Malaria Anticipation Project (MAP)
Address malaria morbidity and mortality by developing an Early Warning System (EWS) using predictive epidemiology and publicly available environmental data through machine learning. Detecting evolving patterns of Malaria, especially in low resources countries like South Sudan remains a major public health challenge. The current surveillance system limitation combined with rapid climate changes, underscore the urgent need to better anticipate malaria disease burden, within an operational feasible time frame. The project anticipates malaria trends and pilots EWS implementation in OCA lead Lainken Project in South Sudan and one site in another country. MSF can better adopt decision making process, timely intervention, targeted resource allocation, better coordination, community engagement and ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality. The project builds upon 2.5 years of MSF UK Sampling Nursery efforts where machine learning EWS has successfully forecasted malaria trends up to two months in advance.
Insights to Action
Address challenges associated with managing an overwhelming number of recommendations generated for MSF field operations by exploring possible solutions using user centric approach and design thinking including testing “Out of the Box” tools. The goal is to understand the problem by using a mixed method in design thinking, including direct observation through focus group discussion, individual interviews and desktop research during this exploratory phase. Workshops and research would be conducted in two countries: Tanzania and one of Nigeria, South Sudan, Kenya or Myanmar to explore possible solutions and would include participation from another MSF Operational Center. The outcome would be to ensure actions are taken based on significance, impact, urgency and contribution to improving operational efficiency and accountability.


Single Data Entry
A scanning and reading technology integrated in a mobile application that will be collecting item information using 3 technologies: QR Code, Data Matrices and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and integrated in all nodes of the international medical supply chain, from European Supply Centers (ESCs) to field projects.
SHARP – Shared Application Reporting Platform – Phase II
This project aims to create an intersectional data warehouse platform to collect/store data sets and generate reports (existing and new) on shared applications such as UniField and Homere to maximize use of support functions through data-driven decision-making.
International Treasury Centre – Phase II
Transform the way how MSF manages excess cash by setting up an international treasury centre, with 2 primary focuses: an international cash-pool for Euros and US Dollars AND an in-common hedging strategy and tool. This solution will ensure:  leveraging movement-wide excess cash position in financial markets; applying a consistent strategy to cover currency risk; employing MSF’s own liquidity before turning to expensive external loans; and mutualizing expert treasury expertise. Following the successful phase 1 piloted with OCB and OCP, Phase 2 will roll out the pilot phase to the 5 OCs (for the hedging function) and to all institutional members interested (for the cash pool function) and prepare the transition to the Business-as-Usual. 
Supply Network – East Africa
This project aims to create a unified supply network in East Africa to optimize the use of MSF resources and reduce activity duplication in existing structures in the region: Support Unit Kampala (SUKA), Kenya Supply Unit (KSU) and other European Supply Centres (ESC)/OCs. Phase 1 is focused on redesigning the distribution network for a specific list of 80 large volume items such as ringer and gloves, for delivery to missions in East Africa with a better total cost of ownership (goods and transport). Four workstreams include (1) legal, (2) process & product quality,(3) financial and (4) order flow, supporting the future set-up frame.
Optitrans – Optimized Transport Management
Address inefficiencies in MSF’s supply chain and improve effectiveness by implementing a standalone commercial Transport Management System (TMS). The system will integrate with existing and future Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems used by the European Supply Centers (ESCs) and Regional Supply Centers (RSCs). The design will improve MSF global cargo consolidation, booking process, and cargo tracking, which in turn, optimizes transport modes1, routes and carrier selection. This will reduce transport cost, shipment lead times and CO2 emissions, enhancing overall operational efficiency and decision making in identifying a better transport system. By the end of phase, the project will onboard one ESC (APU) and two RSCs (SEEA and Kenya Office).
Fundraising Compass
Address the need to significantly increase fundraising and optimize donor acquisition in the Face-to-Face (F2F) channel by using a data driven approach to increase results and fully exploit resources.1. This involves developing, implementing and testing an artificial intelligence (AI) powered tool for analysing and forecasting fundraising activities. Insights will be provided on what has been done in different geographic areas, what are the expected outcomes moving forward, and what untapped opportunities could be identified in the territory.  The approach is aligned with the International Fundraising Strategy and will better focus F2F resources and reduce manual processes in planning and coordination. Successful implementation will provide MSF with an advanced and competitive approach to regular donor acquisition.
Increase Interoperability between European Supply Centres
To improve efficiency and enable standardization, mutualization and interoperability capacities between European Supply Centres (ESCs) and between ESCs and OCs, MSF Logistique and MSF Supply are collaborating to identify, test, evaluate and select a new Information Management System and prepare for its deployment. The output of this initial phase will be the selected vendor/software solution and a business case that includes estimated implementation cost, timeline, resources, approach, risks and risk mitigation.
Performance Track: AI-Powered Insights into MSF’s Global Communications
Bearing witness and speaking out, with and on behalf of patients are fundamental to MSF’s mission, yet with MSF’s growth, a gap has emerged between content production and content dissemination. Communications staff in the field and at HQ have little knowledge on how the stories performed and whether they reach the intended audiences. To enable a holistic view of MSF‘s global communication reach and impact, the project will explore the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM). The first phase will assess current tracking of MSF communication initiatives, explore external solutions within and outside the sector and propose a roadmap for measuring the performance of MSF communications.  If successful, a Phase II would focus on tool design and roadmap implementation.

Accessing all MSF field workforce (Staff Survey)
The project will develop systems to survey MSF field staff on employment and security in order to enable MSF to make decisions, policies and investments, as well as monitor their impact, based on insights that reflect both internationally mobile and nationally hired program staff’s voices. 
Climate Smart: MSF’s Environmental Impact Toolkit
This project will adapt an audit tool to measure and monitor MSF’s environmental footprint for field missions and MSF offices.
Transforming MSF’s Approach to Primary Health Care – Phase II
This project aims to transform quality of care and clinical outcomes for patients developing a patient-centered approach for services delivered at the primary health care level for a diverse range of contexts/settings.  In its second phase, the project will test and implement such a prototype approach to PHC within 4 MSF OCA country projects as preparation to potential MSF-wide scale-up.
Solar Production of Medical Oxygen
Building off the lessons learned from the Sweden Innovation Unit this project will pilot the design and installation of a solar powered system that will deliver low-pressure, medical-grade oxygen in health facilities.

Environmental Health
Address environmental health issues through community engaged development of safe solid waste management systems. Develop fully equipped waste management stations and community gardens that will serve as an alternative income for vulnerable families living in Rustenburg’s many informal settlements. Improve safety for women accessing latrines. 
Transforming Resource Sharing: Mutualizing Resources in Latin America
Address inefficiencies in contextualizing and resourcing (neglected diseases such as Dengue, Chagas; challenges in patient- and community-centricity; complex OC HR policies, gap in regional procurement) by fostering a culture of shared resources and capabilities in Latin America.  Redesign resource sharing between MSF Brazil, MSF LAT, and CAMEX/CAMINO to gain efficiency, improve collaboration, and lay the groundwork for a future Operational Directorate in the Americas (ODA) in 2026.Review organizational set-up across the three sections to align regional investments with strategic priorities, optimizing resources in HR, Medical, Supply, Advocacy and Analysis, and Associative Leadership. Optimize shared resources for collective priorities. Leverage Latin America’s operational knowledge and experience across MSF. Share capacities to maintain the expenditure ratio on direct assistance while reducing overhead through mutualized services.

Community Engagement – Tackling Structural Barriers to Community Participatory Processes & Accountability in MSF Operations
Better understand and systematically embed community participatory processes by developing tools and capacity building to help operational staff in projects, missions, and operational cells address structural barriers to community engagement in operations. Provide clear objectives for community engagement, capitalize on existing work (lessons learned), and build concrete outputs: a monitoring framework, improvements of participatory approaches from exploratory missions to exit strategies in the humanitarian project cycle.
A New Era of Working with Community Organisations
This project aims to revolutionize MSF’s approach to community-led initiatives by ensuring capacity and sustainability to carry on programming after MSF exits a project, to test and learn exit strategy models that better leave empowered local partners for continuity of care and community presence and activities in health care and advocacy.
Community First: a Model for Community-Centred Emergency Response
This project aims to pilot, test, learn and further develop a model for change by developing innovative community-centred methodology, content and platform, assist vulnerable and marginalized communities to develop the skills and organizational processes to sustain their own culturally appropriate responses to current and future health emergencies, increasing their resilience and autonomy.

Building Patient Self-Advocacy and Engagement
Adapt and improve MSF’s current approach in supporting affected patients and communities to self-advocate and take action, as part of a mutually beneficial process. Design, test, learn and establish conditions for scaling “building self-advocacy experts by experience”, strengthen accountability in patient/community inclusion. Provide a more holistic continuity of care and ‘quality of care’ as defined by patients and communities themselves.
Reducing the environmental impact related to single use plastic medical items
Mitigate the environmental impact due to the use of single-use items and their packaging in the context of OCG medical operations by orienting procurement towards more sustainable alternative products and improving rational use when no viable alternative is available. To priorities efforts, the project will develop a pragmatic framework with a clear list of criteria to apply when reviewing single use products, their packaging and related practices in terms of environmental impact.
EcoShift Funding Initiative: Market Insights
Address the gap in funding MSF’s environmental initiatives by assessing the market for $50M to $100M per year earmarked fundraising to achieve MSF’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. Conduct a market assessment on green funds within iNGO, institutions, foundations and international organizations. Identify the fundraising potential that MSF could raise to fund decarbonization efforts. Propose the fundraising resources, experience/expertise, form, setup and mechanism that MSF should adopt to best tap into the identified fundraising potential.
Transforming the MWA to Help Meet MSF’s Associative Needs of the Future (project summary pending)
Transform the Movement Wide Association (MWA) to help meet MSF’s associative needs of the future. Develop a highly aspirational 6-year Strategic Plan for the MWA and its evolution, securing funding from the 2025 Strategic Planning and Resourcing Cycle (SPARC) process. Address the question: ‘how must MSF’s associative evolve in the coming years to better meet organizational needs, and what role can the MWA play in driving this?’. Understand the associative life journey, and MWA field-level member recruitment and engagement within it. Create a more inclusive representative structure by increasing engagement for all MSF staff both Locally Hired Staff (LHS) and International Mobile Staff (IMS). Share findings with all MSF associations to help strengthen their strategic plans for increased engagement.

Closed Projects


Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine course development
The Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine (GHHM) course will address the gap in global access to training and improve the quality of patient care through the development of an online, low cost, part time version of the existing course.
Global Induction Project
The goal of the Global Induction Project is to take the basic principle that says all newly recruited staff should have access to an induction to perform their work in the best conditions and make that a reality across the organization.
Khetha: Youth HIV
To construct a learning model (facility and out-of-facility) which speaks to both male and female youth about HIV to provide them with knowledge and sensitize them to HIV’s impact on their lives.
Mentoring and Coaching Hub
Mentoring and Coaching Hub will address issues with high staff turnover, and the increasing demands on staff and staff management in MSF by extending the existing Mentoring and Coaching Program and create an online repository of training/development/learning programs, capitalizing on MSF experience from all OCs/PS.
The MSF LEAP: Leadership Education Academic Partnership
LEAP will aim to develop senior staff knowledge, skills, retention and career paths by investing in MSF future leadership through higher education; targeting mid-level senior field staff (national and international).
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in MSF
This project aims to conduct a baseline study to determine how inclusive are MSF HQ and field policies, MSF trainings for field staff, and MSF project activities. This baseline will be used to create a short guideline on awareness and inclusion, and develop training modules on inclusion for HQ and missions.
Intersectional Critical Incident Response (CIRT) e-Training
This project aims to develop an intersectional, all OC’s, hybrid e-training system on Critical Incident Response, agree on the common, cross-OC training content, test common and targeted-specific modular content at the project level with users and feedback incorporated into updated content.
Strengthening Boards in MSF
Complete a systematic assessment and develop a toolbox, an online repository and a network of experienced board members to strengthen the capacity of MSF boards and support board members learning needs.
People Respect and Value/Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Define possible aspirational behaviours for MSF and establish a change agenda focusing on positive adjustments to working with patients, colleagues and partners based on organisational identity, operational and behavioural considerations.
MSF’s Speaking Out – Building Social Mission Training Tools
Builds on MSF Speaking Out Case Studies (SOCS) by creating accessible training tools (podcasts, videos, presentations) for MSF, academia and the broader humanitarian sector to improve decision-making for ethical dilemmas and advocacy faced in the field.
MSF Academy
To improve clinical and “public health/organisational” competences for national and expat doctors and nurses across MSF, a Medical Academy will be established in partnership with universities and professional schools, offering continuing education, graduate and post-graduate accredited programs.


Innovative Vector Control Tools for Malaria Control
Through an examination of potentially new Genetically Modified Mosquito (GMM) tools that may address malaria-related mortality, this project will focus on building MSF’s GMM knowledge, ensure vulnerable populations are engaged, and examine and/or influence the ethical/IP/community implications.
The 3P Project
To address TB’s deadly impact, drug-resistant forms and lengthy, toxic, expensive treatments, the 3P project will transform R&D around TB using a collaborative approach to finance and coordinate R&D through pull funding (milestone prizes), collaborative pooling of IP, and push funding for R&D activities upfront.
Access to Medical (Literature) Knowledge
This project will investigate the feasibility of a system for simple, direct, and instantaneous access to online scientific journals and full-text articles for all health staff in MSF.
Feasibility Study for a Patent Collective
This project will look at new potential strategies for accessing, acquiring, and licensing intellectual property to improve access to medicines, looking at the feasibility of strategies used successfully in the tech and other sectors, working closely with Access Campaign and other MSF stakeholders.
Safe Water Optimization Tool for Humanitarian Response
This project will build on existing research to produce a field-facing tool that deploys machine learning and statistical algorithms to analyze routinely collected water quality data in order to generate real-time water chlorination guidance that optimizes water safety at any field site.
Evaluating the use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19 in health care workers in low-resource settings
Investigate the use of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 prophylaxis for frontline health care workers in low-resource settings by participating in a multi-site, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prophylaxis study (COPCOV) sponsored by Oxford University, by leveraging Epicentre’s proven 20-year track record and capacity to run a clinical trial of 400 participants in Niger, which would be the first site in Africa among other Oxford study sites in Europe and Asia.
Cancer Care in Low Resource Settings 
To address inequities in access to prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of cancers in MSF this project will develop a multi-disciplinary networking approach to identify the barriers to access, propose an action plan and utilize networks to improve quality of care for patients.  The initial work will focus on breast and cervical cancer in Mali and Malawi.
Improving Patient Monitoring
This project will test a new, affordable wearable device to monitor vital signs for neonatal patients for pulse rate, respiratory rate, peripheral blood oxygen saturation, and temperature.
POCUS: Point-of-Care Ultrasound
The Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) technology revolution exemplifies MSF’s principles of providing proper medical care in even the direst circumstances by using a medical device with simplified clinical algorithms which can be used at the bedside and taught to non-radiologists.
HCV Partnership to Accelerate Access to HCV Treatment and Care (HEP-C PACT)
Address the infection and mortality caused by Hep C, especially in vulnerable populations, by creating an HCV partnership that accelerates access to HCV cure in targeted low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).  The ambition is to create and enabling environment to address challenges in scale-up and to speed up diagnosis and treatment of HCV patients in priority countries.
Conventional methods for bacteriological culture are not adapted to low-resource facilities and provide results that are not easily interpreted by clinicians. To address this challenge this project will develop a small-scale, low-cost, transportable clinical bacteriology lab, enabling the diagnosis of sepsis, antibiotic resistance sensitivity and surveillance at the hospital level by trained, non-expert clinicians and lab technicians.
Vaccination Decision Making Tool
This project aims to assess vaccination decision making processes and identify barriers and facilitators to design community-based strategies specifically adapted to the intervention by developing and testing an innovative, user-friendly and community-centered tool.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for TB
Address the gap in MSF’s ability to diagnose TB by determining the feasibility and usability of chest X-ray with Computer Aided Detection (CAD) in TB screening and triage and evaluating its impact in MSF contexts. This uses AI technology and training to support MSF clinicians in analyzing medical images and detecting radiographic abnormalities. Two pilots will test two applications: (a) integrated into a hospital setting, and (b) for population screening.


3D Printing in the Field
Test and learn 3D printing for field supplies and replacement parts to better serve populations in need, piloting with MSF logisticians and 3D printing experts in the field.
Digital Humanitarianism
The goal of the Digital Humanitarianism is to create a systematic framework that allows for more efficient data collection and treatment in emergencies, creates functional links with operational digital humanitarian organizations, and for the research to act as a catalyst for MSF decision makers on questions about digital technologies.
Unique Biometric IDs for MSF beneficiaries by Fingerprint Scanning
This project will test the feasibility and reliability of using fingerprint scanning to generate a unique encrypted biological identifier in an MSF clinical setting, assessing whether biometric IDs are a practical method of providing patient identification in the field.
Hospital Ship Feasibility Study
The Hospital Ship Feasibility Study will critically assess viability (needs, security, safety, access, financial, managerial, legal, ethical, etc.) to convert a cruise ship into a MSF hospital ship to address medical needs of populations in crisis zones.
Field ICT
This project is working to create a common ICT infrastructure across all MSF field locations. Field Network Kits will be developed and delivered to MSF field staff to support their missions effectively.
The GeoMSF project will launch and leverage crosscutting geographic information to help operations and sectors gain an understanding of a situation and its spatial context, through scale up of existing tools, interconnected services, and ensuring GIS accessibility across MSF.
Innovation Partnerships Project
The goal of this project is to complete a holistic scoping exercise to analyze where MSF is now in terms of innovation partnerships and what the issues are. Using this data clearer movement-wide guidelines will be created to assist MSF staff and association members entering into innovation partnerships.
Innovation Portal
This project aims to create an enabling environment where field problems and ideas can be harnessed into solutions based on shared principles of innovation. This project facilitates the exchange of ideas, needs, insights, tools, etc.
Laboratory Information Management System
This project aims to improve the quality of patient care, efficiency and productivity of Epicentre labs by implementing a software-based laboratory information management system to manage participant data, track sample, generate reports, and enable real-time access to results.
Patient Multimedia Engagement Toolkit
This project will develop a toolkit for MSF teams to harness social and digital technologies to better reach vulnerable displaced populations that face barriers in accessing health care.
MSF REACH: REaction Assessment Collaboration Hub
REACH is a platform designed to support improved information management in emergencies and foster more efficient decision-support during disasters, with an objective to effectively and efficiently combine institutional data with crowd-sourced information (including social media, instant messaging, and relevant RSS feeds) in real-time, equipping MSF with virtual eyes on the ground.
Migration History Tool
Design a mobile tool that will help correlate migratory trajectories with medical conditions and points of vulnerability for migrant populations to support operational decision-making and advocacy for MSF programs.
Telemedecine Field-Focused Acceleration
This project provides a secure way to give field teams access to medical expertise on complex cases from medical referents as well as a network of verified external specialists. In response to COVID-19, the project will target an initial 3 field projects to identify barriers to field adoption and prioritize and systematically break them down through an agile, field user-focused test-and-learn approach. An additional 3 field projects will be targeted in wave 2, incorporating lessons learned in wave 1 and testing the solutions’ ability to scale across field projects.
Tackling Misinformation / Disinformation in Times of COVID-19
This projects aims to establish a team to help the MSF movement tackle dangerous mis/disinformation in COVID-19 times, to monitor/ manage misinformation using a WikiRumours platform to crowdsource MSF’s response with accurate health promotion campaigns and to support project staff to combat disinformation through policy and advocacy.
Intervention Lifespan: Reconstructing from a Knowledge Management Perspective
This project aims to address the vital and valuable field operational and contextual knowledge that is  fragmented or lost in MSF contexts and operations by reconstructing the entire lifespan of the intervention and display it in a layered, digitalised, highly curated way. This includes the decisions made, their rationale and impact, the contextual information, trends – micro and macro, and lessons learned.

GURU Knowledge Management Feasibility Study
Addressing MSF’s knowledge management challenges by conducting a feasibility study for “MSF GURU”: a virtual knowledge assistant. The project proposes to assess a technological model based on artificial intelligence which includes a chatbot to guide users in their search for information in the complex ecosystem of MSF information systems.

Generic Modular Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for MSF Settings
Increase quality of clinical care by developing a robust, patient-centered and context specific Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system for efficient and secure sharing of clinical data among healthcare providers. Test the feasibility of implementing next generation EMR technologies such as OpenMRS 3.0 to improve and future proof MSF medical interventions. If successful, pursue movement wide implementation through a second phase.


Travel Cost Reduction and Rationalization
Investigate the opportunity for MSF to reduce costs and administrative burden by analyzing, developing options and recommending a travel management solution to manage MSF’s global travel needs.
Travel Optimization and Harmonization
This project aims to optimize and harmonize travel approaches across MSF by leveraging a new travel management platform and improving travel policies, procedures, and behaviour. Online adoption, travel avoidance and better use of the booking window will be encouraged to achieve cost savings, improve efficiency and reduce MSF’s travel-related carbon footprint.​
Global Shared IT Services
This project will develop a Shared Service Center for transversal services which are used across organization.
Distribution Support to Develop Dubai Platform
Develop Dubai’s role as a distribution centre to address process issues and disparate technical systems to optimize outbound transport costs and storage volumes and allow for faster deliveries to missions of life saving medical supplies.
Strategic Procurement for Partner Sections
To realize efficiency gains and cost savings this project will develop a professionalized, robust and context-relevant procurement strategy for MSF Partner Sections based on the proven methodologies used in MSF Operational Centres.
Improving Sourcing Outside of Europe
Improve supply chain sourcing by exploring the Asian market, conducting market assessments on key countries – China, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand – to better understand the availability of sources for procurement in countries closer to our missions. Find new supplier sources to ensure sustainable supply and reduce costs.
Vehicle Fleet Management Analysis
This project will seek out opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of MSF’s fleet management through a thorough analysis of the current model and develop clear recommendations of alternative models and best practices for managing MSF’s vehicle fleet.
Efficiency in Support to Operations
MSF’s current model has led to significant duplication of support services in mission countries and OC HQs. Some non-operational entities have also developed specialised support portfolios. This project will develop a fact-based assessment (data analysis, interviews) of the opportunities for MSF to reduce duplication in Support to Operations.
Movement Practices on Field Financial Accountability
Explore options to systematically increase visibility and accountability on field expenditure, propose a set of best practices and minimum viable set of measures to be replicated within the movement.
Just In Time Distribution
This project aims to provide a new service to MSF’s field medical teams, where they can access a select range of oral, injectable drugs and laboratory consumables from MSF’s existing supply centres on demand, delivered directly to project pharmacies in a matter of days, without the need for extended forecasting and lead times required with the standard international order cycle.


West and Central Africa Operational Directorate
The goal of this project is to develop a plan for a new Operational Directorate in West and Central Africa to strengthen MSF’s operational capability and support a stronger associative life.
Urban MSF Spaces
In an effort to strengthen and expand MSF Associations, this project will focus on cities as a platform of hubs and explore how groups and communities, within and out of MSF, are mobilized around a shared major issue and find practical solutions to problems raised.
Meteorological and Climatic Anticipation
Currently barriers exist in MSF’s operational response mechanism to respond rapidly to extreme weather events. This project will assess the current mechanism to determine these barriers, initiate the conversation within MSF and communicate the key findings to propose a solution to improve future interventions.
Solar Air Conditioning Unit
In an effort to transform the way energy is generated in MSF field missions this project will investigate and scope options for running units on solar or hybrid power.

WaCA: Digital Transformation
This project aims to produce a digital transformation roadmap for WaCA through the adoption of digital tools which can support a more data-driven executive and associative approach to medical and humanitarian care that crosses organizational boundaries – leadership, medical, operational, human resources, logistics, supply, finance and advocacy.

Creating a model for supporter engagement in new entities
This project aims to transform the way we identity, capture and measure the value of the full spectrum of our supporters (financial and non-financial) by creating a new model for MSF new entities that will develop a broader supporters classification, capture the impact of the way we engage with our communities and further expand the activities for new entities in MSF.