Dr. Richard Kayembé Kojan is a clinician physician, engaged in the low and middle resources regions for more than 15 years, practicing mainly emergency medicine, intensive care and polyvalent critical care. He worked for several years with MSF as an Emergency ICU doctor in North Kivu, DRC. He went on to become President of the ALIMA Board where he works to fight diseases in Nigeria, Burkina-Faso, and Haiti and modernize approaches to humanitarian work to end discrimination between patients in urban and rural areas. Dr. Kojan leads the team that developed the CUBE, an individual, bio-secure, and easily transportable treatment room with transparent walls, an innovation that allows medical staff to treat Ebola patients in remote and low-resource areas while keeping healthcare workers safe from contamination. He was a recipient of the Game Changing Innovator Award in Abu Dhabi in November 2019 for his achievements with the CUBE.