October 2020
The Transformational Investment Capacity (TIC), celebrating its 4th anniversary of operations, has approved 61 projects so far with 48 projects active in 2020. 86% of funding is focused on 12 Large-Scale transformational projects, while the remaining 14% covers incubator projects. 20% to 25% of TIC incubators have successfully been followed by a Phase 2.
TIC projects are fairly evenly distributed across target focus areas: HR Learning and Development, Medical R&D, Operational Improvements/Technology and Efficiency Gain, with some space for “Other”. The merger with the Efficiency Programme earlier this year has also created synergies in this area.
To date, 74% of projects maintain a success rate in being on track to realize their TIC project stated goals in transforming MSF’s medical, human capital, operational effectiveness and efficiency gain capabilities.[1]
The TIC has just completed its Annual Accountability Report to the Full ExCom (International Platform of General Directors). This report includes (1) a full TIC update; (2) a summary of the TIC project portfolio by focus area with 6-month status updates on large-scale TIC projects and descriptions of large-scale and incubator TIC projects; and (3) a TIC primer for MSFers new to the TIC.
[1] As measured by projects status (green/yellow/red) on key indicators (scope, time and budget) as reported in TIC project status reports
Recently Approved Projects
The TIC Selection Committee met to review project proposals in September and we are pleased to share that the following proposals have been recently approved:
• Board Governance Strengthening Phase 2 (MSF Spain, Australia, Germany, Greece and South Asia Regional Aassociation sponsors) is strengthening the capacity of all Boards in MSF by implementing support services and tools identified as Board needs in Phase I. This includes a Community of Practice (CoP) of board members; a Mentoring & Coaching network for support to individual Board members and entire Boards; a Learning & Development face-to-face and online trainings, webinars and e-modules; and a repository of best practice documents, from within MSF and externally.
• Efficiency Support to Operations (MSF USA, MSF CAMINO sponsors) is developing a fact-based assessment (data analysis, interviews) of the opportunities for MSF to reduce duplication in Support to Operations for presentation and decisioning at the Core and Full ExCom. The assessment will provide clearly delineated initiatives with business cases for implementation in a test / pilot for Phase 2.
Several TIC projects have also conducted informative webinars which are available online to MSFers who are interested, including the Climate Smart MSF week (5 webinars), Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, Misinformation/Disinformation and the Meteorological and Climate Anticipation projects.